
I've been very drunk a few times, but I don't think I've ever done something as obviously dumb as that. The worst part would be the incredible hangover w/out usual remedies available.

Overcooked pasta, I'll send back. You never get mushy-ass pasta?

Few people can pull off a shawl collar with no shirt on underneath. But what I want to know is if you can get it pre-coated in both cologne and Valtrex.

This can't be legal, right? You can't over serve people like that consistently and not lose a liquor license.

Our family-based Sunday drinking consists of sitting in the backyard with a growler of craft beer, the New York Times, Kettle Salt & Pepper chips, a baby in a bouncer seat and another kid in a tree. U of M students are dicks, btw.

I bet that makes terrible cupcakes, all told.

What's a cupcake maker? A bowl and wooden spoon? A box of Duncan Hines?

Particularly if this was actually filmed in Merced, which as part of the Central Valley, is a literal desert.

Laguna Beach > The Hills, though right?

um, all poultry eggs are from hens.

People, just make your own sunflower seed butter. Join me and my fellow hippie-ish moms who send their kids to nut-free schools in making this delectable and versatile (and cheap-as-shit) treat!

What's the allure of a tuxedo cat, pals? I live with a fat, charmless tabby and her four black siblings which all harbor serious emotional issues.

Maybe they're trying to breed a tuxedo cat that actually looks like it's wearing a tuxedo and they can't, won't, don't stop until it happens.


Wow. Saying that to a public-school teacher takes some serious asshole bravado. That really sucks. You'd like someone could suggest they buy extra nice ones to increase the likelihood their kid will be coloring with Crayola and not those shitty Rose Art crayons.

Your dad sounds wonderful!

I give you a high five. You are a good person.

Seriously? Almost every public school here in Chicagoland issues a page-long list of crap kids need to bring, from paper to glue sticks to tissues. In fact, a lot of stores will keep them in the school-supplies area for reference. Does this not happen in other communities?

Yeah, I think Ranch dressing originated in the Central Coast region of California. Ranch is everywhere.

Good lord. It's appalling that people are decrying this woman's display of emotion on an emotional issue. Perhaps if our society allowed all of us to be more free with expressing emotion, there'd be less pent-up rage in our men and pushed-down spirit in women. Sigh.