
Child rape and slavery. Quite the hill you’ve chosen to die on.

How is it obvious that Sally Heming was “befriended and obviously loved”?As has already been stated, she was enslaved and a child. Thomas Jefferson was a child rapist. An enslaved child isn’t capable of consent because she is not free to say no. There is no consent, only coercion and duress. Fyi, Heming was the half

NSA agent, this Kinja right here.

Shut the fuck up! Just stop while you’re behind with your fucking revisionist fiction passing for history.

just read this before you continue

Sally Hemmings was also the little sister via rape of Jefferson’s wife because Sally Hemmings was the product of rape as she and Jefferson’s wife had the same father... there’s that too

You are way off the mark. You sound like one of those people who wrote slavery fanfic in which the slave swoons over their master and uses flowery racist language to describe black and brown bodies. In large: reeks of white fandom.

I wouldn’t waste time with someone who sounds like they were taught that revisionist “Some slaves were treated well and enjoyed it BS.” You can tell from the jump and their responses they’re not even coming into the conversation in good faith.

Are you seriou? As has been pointed out, Sally was a slave and a child. She was not someone free to say no.

Im still trying to figure out what was funny about it considering that nothing really ain't going to happen and he really is going to win again. They pointed out the obvious is all they did and labeled it comedy. What is funny is watching the left try so hard just to fail lol. 

I hate that jackasses have once again hijacked a conversation around a film that could have used improvement, but not for the reason of the main character being a woman. It’s because the movie needed some work. It’s mid-tier Marvel. I wish we could have a real conversation about it’s real flaws without these jackasses

Are you suggesting that they didn’t want to make the payout? If so, we’re in the same boat. 

“people are allowed to oppose, or support, gay marriage”

If only we could institute a 100% estate tax, these rich people could use those bootstraps that they seem to feel are so important.

Pretty sure after 58 years, She would have been entitled to half his assets even with a prenup.

I’m not sure I could deal with those wrinkly ol balls even for billions

And bonus, she doesn’t have to be married to that schmuck anymore!