
This is perfect, though. It’s a special kind of snake oil carved out for people who are not “unwell”, they’re fucking bored. My advice to them - get a fucking job or volunteer.

While I think Oprah doesn’t get enough criticism for that kinds of stuff, I think two major differences are: (a) on a personal level, Oprah worked her way up there rather than have everything handed to her; and (b) almost all of GOOP’s stuff is either quackery or clueless rich girl stuff, while Oprah still does a lot

Rich white women, duh.

No, no, no. That’s not how it works, Stassa. You were supposed to read every page of Goop Magazine so the rest of us don’t have to.

This woman is to wellness what Trump is to the presidency.

Most actresses have shorter careers and shorter relationships compared to other women with their earning power. They want to stay in the lifestyle to which they’ve become accustomed. It’s lifestyle guru or perfume spokesmodel.

This ‘wellness’ stuff is crap. And a weird way to make eating disorders seem like they will make you healthier, rather than, in fact, miserable and decidedly malnourished (and perhaps broke). Gwyneth is on an express train to crazy. Shame she can’t be obnoxious about other charitable things.

She sounds like a kitchen contractor that has eliminated kitchen renovation from the equation.

I was getting sick for years. Doctors couldn’t help. I turned to alternative medicine, as one does when desperate and losing everything that matters. It didn’t make sense but I had money and thought the worst is it won’t work. I spent a ton, went everywhere, tried all the recommendations. Came away in the same shape,

gotta be careful with those...look what happened to the last guy to touch the crystals....

Haha “nourish.” I wonder how many diets this woman has been on.

From whence is this phony wanna-be Housewife of... getting her creds? She has the magazine, a store and a bunch of cookbooks.

She’s not wrong. I’m always feeling a primal instinct to nourish— myself. With cake.

Her mother is an enabler. She told the media that people are “just jealous” of her daughter.

Ah yes, she’s struck a victory for women everywhere by banking on the idea that women will buy whatever flowery languaged snake oil that’s slung at them, often with a general ‘your body isn’t good enough’ vibe which is revolutionary on the new women first market!

Hold up. I’m supposed to have a writing style, a personal style, a hair style, a work style, AND NOW ALSO A SCHOOL DROP OFF STYLE?

‘part of women’s “primal instinct to nourish,”’

In the last few months, Paltrow has whispered in sympathetic ears that she faces more scrutiny because she is a woman CEO in a male-dominated field.

You can only be a perfectionist if you think, erroneously, that there’s a finish line in life.

I truly wonder - where does fame and fortune end for celebrities. Like can they not be happy just acting or singing... or does making money off selling fake healthy shit get them off equally so?