
No, they should have written a narrative that makes any sense for either Gorgan or Karnak. What did any of this have to do with their time spent with surfer mercenaries or pot farms?

How dare the bad guy attempt to destroy Black Bolt’s slave plantation! I, for one, am relieved he’s been imprisoned for life without trial.

I teehee’d at practically everything Maximus said to Black Bolt in the first few minutes of the episode. As much as a show like this could ever have a “best” character, it was easily Maximus.

Along this same thread: I would have liked to have NOT seen the still of Old Luke back inside the Millennium Falcon. Disney, please, I’m already going to see the new Star Wars on opening weekend, moderate the spoilers and let the movie have legs.

Favorite quote from a movie full of awesome ones:

Yeah, I’d say the secrecy still works because *Loki* doesn’t know what’s coming. His reaction to seeing the Hulk was priceless and then Thor getting “Puny godded” just...perfect. I loved it.

The final stinger was more Jeff Goldblum bringing the full Goldblum. I’d wade through a French sewer for another 15 seconds of sweet, sweet Goldblum.

Right? “A friend from work!” was perhaps the perfect five second distillation of the tone of the film which I bet attracted more people than if they had kept Hulk under wraps until opening night.

No Marvel stinger will ever be as bad as Age of Ultron’s “fine I’ll do it myself” rubbish with Thanos.

Great jokes are never a waste of screentime.

COUNTERPOINT: That wasn’t even the best joke in that scene (let alone the movie), so who cares if they used it as the hook to put butts in seats?

Oh my god, stop mansplaining to the professional about fucking comics you twit.

Also, I don’t really see the whole “Barry is the worst” thing.

Cisco putting a self-destruct function in the suit without telling Barry about it in case they have to deal with Evil Barry again . . . that’s both really dark and also hilarious.

Well, his assistant is an Angel. (That joke for the 6 people who watched Dominion)

“What does Jason Ritter have to do to get cast as a lead in a decent live-action TV series?”

While I know that The Tomorrow People probably got many/most of its ideas from the X-men, I still was reminded of TPP’s secret HQ. And the mutant guard who was giving the serious side-eye gave me a bit of a Nightbreed vibe.

Is it wrong that I want Ella to climb Amenadiel like Mt. Everest? Then I don’t wanna be right.

Is this the first time an AV Club Staffer has addressed the fact they are bleeding commenters?