
This is how I feel about all the reviews of that show The Orville. Seth MacFarlane’s in it? I’m out.

We call that the Before Times.

“Didn’t a bunch of nerds put this commenting interface together? What is wrong with them?”

Remember when people used to comment on AV Club articles?

Is THAT what he said? I couldn’t make it out, it sounded like gibberish to me (because, well, why WOULD he say ‘cliffhanger’? The rest of the show - particularly the Terror - hasn’t been that meta).

Did you just dismiss Alan Tudyk’s performance as Dangerboat with a mere two lines of text that didn’t even mention him? What hast happened to my club of av...

My favorite line reading of the series is still “Look out! She shoots glass eyes!”

I think The Tick’s gasps of astonishment when the stepdad opened his gifts is when I decided I was totally on board with Serafinowicz’s mix of obliviousness and confidence.

Man, I’m really impressed by this news. Now an Asian actor is actually going to get this part because of this action he took. As an Asian American who loves pop culture, it’s been a rough couple of years with the casting decisions made onscreen. Reading this actually made my day, and I hope others can follow his

But that’s exactly right! Because here’s the thing: Skrein!Daario was a SUPER TONED down version of how ridiculous he is in the books. The show could not have handled this guy in a literal fashion:

But surely two things will survive the kinjapocalypse, right? Right? It has to be two things!

Guys, you’re killing me. I have no idea how you are organizing these reviews on the TV Club page, but it is not working. Why isn’t this showing up there?

I love the little smattering of crazy Serafinowicz adds to the role. Most incarnations portray The Tick as simple or childlike. This Tick is also more than a little bit insane.

Curiously, they are having this screening in Austin when all the clowns are actually in DC.
