
Your logic is terrible. If his kid needs to finish the year out in school, then he should not run for President? In your next life, go to a real university.

Black people with a brain include:

Ar Mateen was a muslim extremist who targeted gay patrons of a gay nightclub. Clinton was all like “we love immigrants of Islamic faith.” Trump wants to vet these people to protect all Americans. Milo says he realized “these people want to kill me...”

Not all speech that you disagree with is hate speech. Also, by censoring others free speech you are assailing his first amendment rights. All very unAmerican.

So for a gay man to prefer men is now “misogyny?” Hahahah omg lol

Milo is a conservative gay like Peter Thiel. WAKE UP.

Martin Shkreli is a piece of shit but Milo is intelligent. A sign of intelligence, at universities and elsewhere, is tolerating and even exploring viewpoints. As an “inclusive Liberal”, I think you should try it sometime. Soon.

Got your money  i see

Its spelled “acuity”

Lmfao u should wear it

Ok so now gay people are transphobic but only if they write for Breitbart? Confused.

sTFU and yes red state ppl have guns

Thanks for giving me hope that he isnsyraight. Gonna throw it at him. See if it sticks.

Milo said it at the RNC gays for trump party: Extremist Muslims want to kill gays. Pulse night club, anyone? The Democrats want to open the gates to “refugees”. However look at EU now. Milo is just the smartest gay man I have ever laid eyes on.

A racist woudnt have sex with someone they consider to be less than themselves.

You cant be more female than a natural born woman. Can you? Transgender women are claiming to be ‘the first woman to....”

You have a seat and quit playing the race card before you wear it out. Not everyone who endorses you dictates your viewpoint. Kanye and Steve harvey and Ben Carson dont seem to be clutching their pearls. Grow up, special snowflake. Before you melt.

Liberals are loving inclusive people who are accepting of immigrants, candidates with spotty FOIA records and all “Others”.

How kind of you to all join the pack mentality to attack your friend. If that happens at the dog park, I just start shooting the other dogs dead.