
We gave Obama the benefit of the doubt. Why cant warm hearted, open-minded, inclusive Liberals do the same for Trump?

Its totally true.

Dont worry. We dont want to get any liberal vavas on us.

Um. Obama basically spit in the face of American Jews by letting the UN vote as they did. Pardon the Jews for not wanting to play golf with his ass after that.

We hated clinton and her cronies.

Fuck you, too. Bitchass.

Barack Obama came to my city. They shut down the freeways so he could zip around Los Angeles. His Marine One Osprey thing buzzed my house. Those things are super loud, dude. It took an extra few hours to commute those few days. Nobody in Hollywood whimpered a peep.

You dont seem to know that there were more votes than voters in several Democratic precincts like Detroit. Thats just fraud. Not to mention a lack of respect for others, the process and Democracy itself.

Thankfully, every parent does what they think is best for their children. Everybody accepts that. Unless its Trump doong the parenting. Silly.

Lame. Im an adult. Therefore IDGAF what any overpaid interpreter of fiction says about anything in the real world.

Back in the olden days, there were no professional politicians. You left your farm or feed store or wagoner and went to congress to sort stuff out for a few weeks. Then you went back to your business. Nobody had any political or government experience and it didnt matter because it was all about ‘we the people’ doing

Get out of your echo chamber. You devalue all the words with overuse and misplaced use. Racist xenophobes dont meet with people of other races or nominate them to cabinet jobs. But all you hear and repeat is blablahblah Trump is a racist xenophobic misogynist blah blah...How about some facts to back all these claims

The reporter was giving Trump a hard time and he fought back. Was it tactful, no. Of course, you wouldnt have done the same, right?

Poor you. One guy in nyc is elected President and omg your life is ruined. Get a grip.

If I am President and my wife and I want her to stay with our son for half a school year to finish it out and give him a smooth transition, thats all there would be to it as far as I am concerned. Its only a problem if you dont like the guy who won the election.

Think for yourself. The echo chamber has dissociated from reality.

The popular vote doesnt mean shit. The argument that those 2.8M votes means anything is only in the eyes of liberals who cant accept the results. Especially when the recounts exposed irregularities in the democratic counties in MI. It doesnt mean shit because almost all of those votes came from California. If

Im white. My last boyfriend was black. Before that I was sucking Israeli dick. Call me a bigot again.

There you go, taking your cues about how real life should go from a fake story made up by a roomful of fiction writers in Hollywood.

California DOES have more influence! Its called “55 electoral votes”. God people are dumb around here.