
I got strangely invested in the Jess/Rory relationship on rewatching the series (didn't get why anyone wanted that the first time around), and so am pretty annoyed that he was featured so prominently in the trailers and then so little in the Netflix episodes, but whatever. Jess : Luke as Logan : Christopher, I guess.

Ben Carson. Secretary of Education. God help us all.

Apparently not.

She's 47. Daniel Craig is 48. And who cares about height?


Peter O'Toole as Lymond, Helena Bonham-Carter as Philippa (for an adaptation of the Lymond books by Dorothy Dunnett). If we're also including "if they were not dead."

Paul Newman? Are you for real??

This. The books do a much better job of illustrating how brilliant and intellectually versatile she really is, and why a rejection like this would eat away at her. And it's shown in her physical appearance, too, in a gritty way that you don't get in the show (why does everyone, Quentin excepted, have to look like a CW