
My favorite line:
"We need to shut this down like a fucking public school for the arts."

I agree. I'm hoping Ben gets a nom this year! He was submitted.

Kevin Dunn as Ben is one of the best roles on television. He's so hilarious.

I don't know they've certainly evolved from the first two seasons. I think they have some more stuff they could explore with Frank and Charlie.

Oh my god. I always laugh at his scenes but he is so freaking dark. Making those women cry is hilarious. I like that one episode where Charlie is basically like "that sounds like rape, dude." And he's so taken aback by the suggestion.

Me too! The Insinuation is hilarious seeing as how they're twins.

I really enjoyed this episode mainly because it explicitly laid out all the problems of the core and played them out in hilarious ways. Also Dennis is hilarious and very dark when he talks about "the implication," but Dee's "the insinuation" made me laugh so hard.

Hold on. Bringing animals into a country and not having them cleared is actually a pretty big thing. It leads to a lot of other complications. You should look up their reasoning more before just bowing to the awe of a celebrity.

Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Yeah that was a really interesting moment. And it seemed like they'd have a good buddy-buddy relationship based on the pretty similar contrarian views.

Apparently the actor who played him thought the same thing. He wasn't the greatest fan of the character. Charlie, to me, just seemed like a male version of Marnie.

I sometimes assume that Ray and Adam are friends, but then I remember that Ray was actually Charlie's friend, not Adam's and it never really seemed like Charlie would be someone who likes Adam and I don't think Ray would either.

I pointed out there was no replay to U of Ohio professor or the actual football manufacturer who also vehemently disagree with Belichick…

Yeah I can see you're actually a delusional Pats fan. Bill Nye is very knowledgable on the subject of physics but if you discredit him bc he doesn't have the actual degree in that that's fine. But what about the actual PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS at the U of Ohio? Let me guess, you don't believe him either. Or the actual

I think he is. The man has done extensive work on physics and has had peer reviewed and public papers. What say you to the other professor of physics and the actual football manufacturer. It's funny how you pats fans try to block out certain stuff.

I love how this article also completely forgets to mention that Bill Nye, another respected scientist, also said Belichick is full of it. As has the actual official NFL football manufacturer. Dr. Michael Lisa, a professor of physics at the U of Ohio also confirms that this situation Belichick tried to paint is