Charlie Suchomski

Can’t say I’ve used her shampoo and well I don’t use conditioner at all on account of how soft it makes my hair feel but I will tell you this for sure: Honesty Tea is hands down a top five mass-produced tea out there right now.


Yeah what do I care if she has brain damage? It’s not like she isn’t smart

Used to pull that ish with my English teacher. She always said “Bylines don’t count in your word count you idiot.” Obviously I still disagree with her so your right.

Hey not even I believe that sad old story. Hey listen, I’ve been supporting Hillary forever even back in 2008. But I can’t take the lies anymore! She was basically dead and convulsing and had to be literally thrown into her ambulance. Pnemeunioa doesn’t do that!

No way man. I was hard in the paint for Hillary. I even stopped rooting for Bernie there at the end and joined the Hillwagon. Anyways, she’s lost me now. I can get over that she was carried into her ambulance by some suits but I am not going to sit here and take the lies anymore!

Just saying I didn’t like how she was all like a bobble head and was literally airborne when they tossed her in her ambulance. I didn’t like it! But I don’t care about that honestly. I just care that she’s honest and I always thought she was, but now this.

??? Bono has actually done some really amazing things for Africa. Probably the most charitable rock star of all time.

I was gonna vote for Hillary until she had a seizure or whatever on the 9/11 memorial. Did you see that? It was like Weekend at Bernie’s Part III - Hillary Edition.

Sure I have, but only about straight fire resumes and my future daughter.

I’ve responded to you a bunch of times! Sometimes you’re pretty skeptical of whether or not it’s me.

“and he’s running after the ball, now kicks it forward, continues running...”

They need to restore the comments to the archived posts. And they need to reconnect those posts to kinja. A great deletion has taken place, and humanity is worse for it.

Umm she never went to jail there bud

All because idiot extraordinaire Rush Limbaugh called her a slut. Welcome to America folks. Jesus Christ

Yeah except you at least know that if some creep is going into the woman’s bathroom that he shouldn’t be in there and it raises some goddamn red flags and people call the cops. If society makes it so its normal for creeps to hang out in there well, people will stop calling the cops and the creeps win. Wonder which

I’m actually not the one thinking of the children - that’s exactly the problem

Hey, why are you calling my opinoin a take? Take that BS back to the minor leagues junior - no pun intended

Honestly have no idea what this means

WTF is with all comments being called takes? Why don’t you take that word and toss it in the garbage because mine is actually an opinion. Not a take. No pun intended.