Charlie Suchomski

Well looks like you have bad taste... no pun intended

You’re obviously lying. I’ve seen hundreds of them at urinals. If you actually used urinals you would know it’s basically impossible not to see the guys next to you

Agree. I didn’t like those books at all. Still read them though and that’s pretty much what I’m talking about. People who hate on Kid Rock just haven’t listened to him and get caught up in the hype.

Nope. I’ve been to France

The local authories obviously

And yet your talking about Kid Rock right now... I don’t care much for politics but to just call him a bad musician is lazy at best. He’s famous for a reason

When I was a kid I didn’t have guys in the girls bathroom with camera phones. You hear what I’m saying?

That’s what the corrupt local authorities tell themselves when there out there eating at steak restaurants while the citizens continue to drink poison. I didn’t realise that nevermind looks like I’m way outta my league here right? SMH

You don’t poop naked??? LOL either your lying or you just learned something awesome

Hey, if you want your daughter in the stall next to a naked man with a penis you go for it. Not me though

Your gonna see the back of my jockstrap after I put it on your head. Don’t mess with the best

Mind your own business. You don’t want to see mean Charlie, do ya?

It costs $40k to allow people to run on a paved road?

Looks like the Fake Blood Factory called and they didn’t get that refund

Takes one to know one there champ. Hit the showers

lol yeah exactly

All you have to do with women is ask questions you don’t have to listen. Trust me. Just ask them tons of questions and then you can think about baseball. When you ask women questions they get tricked into thinking you’re listening to them and curious and all that. But you can just think about baseball and then coast

Rams used to have the Greatest Show On Earth. Now they have the most bullshit team I’ve ever seen. No wonder they riot in St. Lou.

My point exactly. You don’t even know how hard you just lost dude. SMH

It is a good service if your an audiophile like me, Puddy. Or should I call you Fuddy Duddy, Puddy? lol