Oh look JohnBrownSecondComing is still hanging around Gawker
Oh look JohnBrownSecondComing is still hanging around Gawker
Ok you guys win - slavery never happened America was always really good about human rights
Hey don’t shoot the messenger lol I’m just saying what that guy up there said
IMO he was pretending to not know what is it to drive home the point that he doesn’t care because he’s not a war-monger like Trump and some say Hillary [not true].
LOL everyone owned slaves 100 years ago. Sorry but that proves nothing
Yeah that’s a great line imo. Can’t erase history but we can learn from it, including that great verse you wrote down
Tebow doesn’t pull stunts like that. And I’m actually a member of Black Lives Matters but I can’t support dissing our national anthem.
College has always sucked and will always suck. The NFL used to be an amazing product. It’s now a garbage NBA-style psuedo-sport.
Your not quite timely enough for your curiosity to be satiated
Remember iPods???
Apple products are for old people and idiots.
Just saying don’t talk about what you don’t know that’s all. I don’t talk about like Laos politics or whatever
Guess that’s what soccer fans always do - wimps
No, you said a quote from a movie. “Baloo hit ball up tree” - can’t fool me
WTF is this supposed to mean?
Major League II - Great flick! Hey your not so bad
No offense but if your not American you can please keep your opinions about us to yourself!
I’ll be honest I’m not even going to try this