Charlie Suchomski

Guess you weren’t around in 1996...

yeah because Chip Jones is just “a Braves player” lol

LOL do you know how many articles are on the internet? HAha there’s literally no way to do what you’re suggesting

Not a bad idae, thanks

Well honestly what Bill Clinton did to black people by putting so many of them in jail makes me think he’s a racist. And maybe his goddamn wife too.

Well which ones specifically?

Ah, Tea Partier. Got it.

Takes one to know one

I don’t know. I guess I’ve always thought of soccer as a kids’ sport. They just flip around like fish and the games are always ties. Hey, I guess some people still like it I’m just not one of them. So this article wasn’t for me.

Very proud imo

I wish it was 78 cents but it’s only 61

No idea who these clowns are and honestly do not care to learn.

Yeah it is it

Not much to comprehend actually, maybe your misunderstanding me. Seems like it.

Who cares about the green party? Its the Dems that are gonna win. AKA Stein might not have a chance, but she’s got more of a chance then Trump imho.

She is one of the reasons why women only get paid 61 cents on the male dollar. Ann Coulter too. If we ever want equal pay, these women need to be silenced.

??? She’s not even close to in the Weather Underground.

I think so too. Having a hard time deciding between Hillary and Jill. It’s stuff like this that makes me think I should vote for Jill though.

NFL is the biggest supporter of domestic violence out there right now.

NFL is great about being ok with domestic abuse/violence and horrible about free speech re: racial oppression.