Totally. When he bought her (and let’s not debate this - he bought her and she was WAY low balled without a public service clause to get escalated payments), he said “this is how you sign - just go up and down, up and down, then stop when you think you have all the letters”.
Or the assumption that all women would love to be stuck at home with kids, uneducated and financially dependent on husbands, even if we could. Some of us actually love our careers and get plenty of life meaning from the work we do without needing to have kids.
I would normally share my thoughts on someone like Tucker Max, but he seems like the kind of person who googles himself quite regularly and probably gets off on people’s opinion of him.
He is a misogynistic asshole whom I wish you would have allowed to remain in obscurity, instead of digging up his fetid corpse to stink up the place. So just as much as you question her choice to involve him in her book, I question your choice to provide him with this platform to regurgitate more of his bullshit…
I loathe Tucker Max, but this is such a non-story. Why do you care?
“I probably would not be able to give you a good definition right now.”
I’m 34 and I’m JUST now getting a job that pays over $10/hr and I still don’t own a home. I do own a cheap car, though. So...yay? I couldn’t afford a friggin baby. Nor do I want one.
God damn.
Not to put words in Paul Ryan’s mouth, but it sounds almost as if he’s talking about, I dunno, a supply shortage of a valuable good. Obviously, Paul Ryan wouldn’t be so crass as to dehumanize workers, but it does sound like this is something resolvable through analyzing babies as if, to coin a term, demand is…
I’m already tired of telling the ones in the neighborhood to get off my lawn, I can’t spend all day yelling at more of them.
People just need to have more kids but if you want maternity leave or assistance with daycare expenses you can go fuck yourself! Hit the gym Paul Ryan style so you can really give those bootstraps a tug!
Fuck this guy. Regulations create jobs. I’ve sat in multiple board meetings now where they talk about scrapping my entire department once Trump follows through on scrapping certain regs.
Dear Paul Ryan:
Why? My kid’s just going to have his job outsourced to a robot anyway. What value do I get from having more unemployed kids living under my roof?
fuck you Paul Ryan my IUD is here to stay for another ten to twelve years. MENOPAUSE HERE I COME *AIRHORN NOISE AIRHORN NOIIIISSSE*
Then get on board with paid maternity and paternity leave and universal healthcare, as well as education funding and social services.Oh, and livable wages so that people don’t have to use food stamps and other kinds of government assistance.
They mean White people, folks.
Hate to break it to you...