
I'm 40. I used to play all sorts of FPSes on my PC, Doom, Quake, Half-life, TF2, etc… and to this day I have trouble playing an FPS with a controller on a console rather. The mouse and keyboard are just so deeply ingrained in me when it comes to FPSes. I played the Destiny demo and it was pretty gruesome. I didn't

1) This is probably the millionth explanation but the title is a variation on the story about the man who is stranded on the top of his house during a flood. Two boats and a helicopter come by to rescue him but he denies them saying "God will provide." HE dies in the flood and when he gets to heaven he asks god why

True, but I don't think that automatically makes it open season on him for civilians.

The one element of the finale I can't make sense of is the aftermath of Gus killing Malvo. Malvo was sitting on a couch, one leg up on a table in a splint, no weapon in his hand. I was really surprised to see the cops there afterwards. How did Gus explain that situation and come out with a commendation? As lethal