
I made my maiden name my middle name and took my husband’s last name. He is an immigrant with strong ties to his home country and heritage, so it felt right. His surname is also two-parts, so hyphenating would have been a disaster. At work, I still went by my maiden name. I can say that sharing a last name as a family

My training officer wasn’t interested in doing any actual work, so I had to learn almost everything the hard way. Now it doesn’t phase me, I make sure everyone else is out of the way and get prepared to go hands on if need be, but I was such a naive rookie.

Thank you, EMS! You guys are so undervalued.

I would rather boil myself alive than discuss porn with my mother. Kudos to you guys!

But who is the mongoose?

Police officer here! (I know, we’re often not welcome, but I felt the need to scurry into the sunlight for a moment.) Domestic violence situations are *very* complex, and *very* dangerous for all parties involved. Most officer deaths occur on DV calls — we have entire strategies for how we approach the house, where to

I love the idea of a one piece, but I have a bit of an hourglass shape (34-26-40 at my last measurement, but I work nights now and rarely have time to work out. So, yeah. Not remeasuring.) I can never find a one piece that looks “right”. If it fits the top, it doesn’t fit the bottom. I’m also 5'10, and can never find

I love the idea of a one piece, but I have a bit of an hourglass shape (34-26-40 at my last measurement, but I work nights now and rarely have time to work out. So, yeah. Not remeasuring.) I can never find a one piece that looks “right”. If it fits the top, it doesn’t fit the bottom. I’m also 5'10, and can never find

I would say do it! I am incredibly feminine. Outside of my uniform, I am all dresses all the time. If someone thinks I am too feminine to be an officer, joke’s on them ;)

I grew up around it :) My father was an LEO for 20+ years, and he has always been the person I admire most for his innate kindness, integrity, and fearlessness.

When I told people I wanted to work in law enforcement, they tended to laugh at me. I’m a conventionally attractive young woman with a penchant for sundresses

I understand completely. People are often surprised I’m an officer. I’m a young, college educated, conventionally attractive woman. My job has excellent benefits and good retirement. My Chief is working on bettering our pay, but it is certainly livable :) People seem to view police work as something you do when you

I work along the southeastern coast :) It’s been the standard for officers to have a college degree for many years now! It’s a common misconception that LEOs are brutes or jocks who peaked in high school. I actually have a BFA, funnily enough! One of my good friends from the force has his Masters in biochem from a

I don’t know that would I still categorize police and similar professions as “working class”. I am an officer, and I have a college degree. All of my colleagues do as well, and anyone higher up in the chain of command is expected to have a Masters. I think the idea of “blue collar” or “working class” has really gone