Missy Elliott died?!
Missy Elliott died?!
Six Dem Collaborators:
Gotta give Pelosi the power she needs to do absolutely nothing.
Why tf did this guy run for president? Dems are OBSESSED with the White House, when in reality we should be fighting on all fronts. Cornyn is up for re-election and the two most prominent Dems from TX are running quixotic presidential campaigns.
You’re forgetting every single headline on here needs to be ironically silly. “Mavs Spray Diarrhea Into Waiting Mouths of Raptors, Force OT.”
It’s funny that Buttigieg basically unseated him as the guy who kinda looks the part but has zero ideas whatsoever, mostly because Buttigieg gets to be perceived as a “wonk” because he’s read a few books.
It’s a pretty sad sign for the state of American affairs if *this* is as good as you can see things getting. The Obama-type neoliberalism that affords people going to brunch guilt-free for 4-8 years is exactly what created Trump in the first place.
Tears in my eyes
Not being a dork - can he say this? Will this draw the attention of the league/does this amount to some weird sort of tampering?
It’s hard to even articulate the different standards that Dems and Republican politicians are held to. The Cillizzas will move the goalposts into outer space to praise Trump when he doesn’t openly insult an ally during a speech, but Dems still have to deal with the fallout from #gaffes like they’re Dukakis wearing the…
Thank you to whoever made sure it was “said her piece” not “peace.” Not sure if it was the comms guy in writing, or you transcribing an audio conversation but just...thank you.
Even in their wildest dreams, centrist libs are compromising.
This is why you don’t rely on a Republican cop like Mueller to “save us.” Trump is a symptom of the sickness that infests the entire GOP. These bastards need to be torn out root and stem from every level of public life.
These fucking charlatans. Relevant as ever:
We should continue to politely ask people to stop being white supremacists and gleefully destroying the world.
It took more than two years for the “drip, drip, drips” of Watergate’s investigations to finally result in Nixon resigning under threat of impeachment...