
She’s negligent at best with national security info. Her ideas in supporting the Arab Spring in Libya, Syria, and Egypt were utter failures. I’m unsure of any good things she did as SoS.

I named 3. Both Roosevelts and GHWB. I don’t think Trump is qualified, I just take issue with people pretending her bad decisions as Secretary of State warrant good experience. She was a good Senator (in terms of getting stuff done) and that is about it.

In what role? She was the wife of the Governor. That is hardly a policy position.

“comes down to the systemic ways our society teaches and treats males versus females, still, to this day, and the way they are taught to value themselves and what they ‘should’ do with their life.”

Sometimes it’s vat of lube and rubber sheets, sometimes it’s candles and rubber sheets.

Why wouldn’t he? His sensation and volume are great even after the surgery.

It is true if you are adding up all men’s salaries against all women’s salaries and don’t factor in similar jobs and hours. It is false if you compare people in similar roles with similar experiences. The only women still suffering from the wage gap are people 45 or older who were screwed in the 70's and 80's. Women

Which state did she do policy work in? Because she was a United States senator from New York, not a state senator in New York.

Only if you discount the other more qualified candidates before her. George HW Bush was a war hero, congressman, CIA director, ambassador to the UN, Liaison to China, and VP when running as a candidate. Both Roosevelts come to mind in terms of breadth and diversity of public service. Any president who was a governor

It doesn’t get cold. It’s ‘Frisco!

That is good for your Uncle, but only provides a second instance of Army Logic unless he spoke a bunch of Russian to Charlie.

Yeah, it is an impressive skill, but can be used in many applications. Also, I hate how it looks. I’m a hater. Also, can you even buy lead anymore? I’ve tried it (apparently you need more than a YouTube video to succeed).

Low monthly payments, zero apr, and a ruined credit history four or five months later.

I mean, I’ve never had a Devil’s threesome, but I’m Eskimo bros with a buddy who is under 12 hours removed from my experience. Casual sex with strangers isn’t weird at all. I’m not judging.

I mean, given the new laws around rape. It is quite easy to be guilty of rape (legally) when both people are vigorously consenting, but one is intoxicated.

I think Katmandu would just return searches for the city. Seriously though, all names are real as soon as they are put on a birth certificate, that doesn’t mean they aren’t misspellings of a word.

Hi Diana, I do like your writing, but I’d imagine some of the bias people are seeing is things like the tweets you inserted that claim that Rose faced a “Gotcha” moment in court re: Colorblindness. A quick Google would tell you that he was just explaining how Colorblindness works in that specific color spectrums are

The dude likes group sex. Sure that isn’t normal, but it’s not like he couldn’t cop to it. He is on trial giving sworn testimony.

Haven’t you seen Rose’s performance these last few years? Even a shitty defense is hard to beat.

The girlfriend will be a lot more pissed than the FWB if they ever meet?