
Isn’t there pretty strong precedent that companies aren’t responsible for their ad space? Otherwise craigslist would be responsible for people getting robbed and murdered. I realize that escorts means sex work to everyone, but the ads aren’t explicitly offering sex for money. They are offering dates which isn’t

Quick Google said the bronco chase was in a 1994 Bronco.

Now playing

Start at the 55 second market. It should explain what to do.

Isn’t the OJ truck from the 90's?

Lol, if you actually think W is an idiot, you don’t get any of it. The dude played aw shucks downhome Texas boy to win two elections. The dude is a masterclass in playing to what most of the crowd wants.

I’d imagine that experience doesn’t really matter (at least in congress) because the people writing your legislation are lobbyists and 24 year old staffers. The biggest experience elected officials get is how to get re-elected. Also the majority of politicians are viewed by a lot of America as on the scale of vaguely

The sad part is they are just dumb, no cte required.

Haiti still hasn’t recovered since the Earthquake. They were basically fucked by the humanitarian tesponse from that. There was so much free aid food (years after the immediate issue of starving people was dealt with) that most of their farms closed. The same with any other business or service aid workers supplied.

Go for it. My subordinates role is delivery, my role is quality assurance and business development. We are a large consulting firm. All of the firms I worked with are similar.

Except in what world is having a great performer under you a threat. If you are tasking them, providing quality review, and presenting their work, it shows you are good at your job as well.

Those people are the worst. As a manager of enough staff that my primary role is quality review, workload delegation, and business development, good staff reflect great on me. It shows that I’m effectively managing my workgroup.

If the majority of colleges are paying less, that is the market price.

“Second guess, he out worked (in speed, quality, or both) the others and they didn’t like that so it became a game to find every reason to get rid of him.”

He already built a wall. They just keep crashing through it.

Loans aren’t income, so that should work.

Tax evasions is illegal. You go to jail for it. Tax avoidance is legal and likely what his accountants do.

Lol, getting flagged for an audit means you are leveraging tax law in your favor to the extreme. As he hasn’t gone to jail for it, I’d imagine he has superb accountants.

I’m confused. Why would the victim’s family anticipate communication from the Ravens to her?

What do you mean gaming the system? This is how the system operates. You take a huge loss and you can deduct it from earnings in future years. There is no gaming of the tax code. Taxes are either legally filed or they aren’t.

This isn’t racism so they should be fine.