
I mean the real reason they have solidarity is Arabs gave them places to train IRA fighters and let them practice bomb making.

They usually don’t now. I doubt they would at an even later date.

You don’t pay Gloria Allred. She takes cases on contingency then takes a healthy chunk of the settlement (as do most civil attorneys.)

That’s because it is easy to prove someone had illegal drugs. It is almost impossible to prove a rape if the defendant’s defense is that it was consensual sex.

You have to prepared to fight a disease that nobody in the US has contracted in the US.

My understanding is that it would only affect cases after the law is passed.

My understanding is that laws like this aren’t retroactive. So it will be 10 years and a day before it is different from the prior law regarding statue of limitations.

That sounds awesome. DC is a beuracratic nightmare.

If they are cycling ssns every year, they definitely would take the exemptions. You don’t get flagged until tax time. If you switched in January, you wouldn’t get a call about your old ssn until after April.

DC, but I was mistaken. I was doing title and registration. Looks like I needed that info to transfer title, but the point still holds as you would need to have a car titled in your name to register it.

Lol. Your point about the 1% is very funny. Illegal immigrants account for around 5% of the working population per your article. The majority of the taxes they pay are in local sales taxes. Of course there are more people paying sales taxes (and some other taxes) than in 1% of the population. It would be

Except I can elect, as a US citizen, as many exemptions as I want. This can bring my tax burden to zero. I am assuming that using a fake ssn still allows you to make up exemptions thus avoiding federal income tax burden. I don’t do this, because I would have to pay for any fake exemptions, but worst case for them, it

So do illegal immigrants have some sort of data base for social security numbers that don’t match existing citizens? Because if you start using random numbers, you will likely cause super fucked up tax implications for someone who was actually assigned that number.

What you are describing is identity fraud. So good on them for paying taxes, but you don’t know if the random string of numbers you are using ties to another human and can completely fuck them come tax time.

This is not true. I literally registered a car today and I needed a social, drivers license, insurance, and 2 proofs of residency. Income tax is only withheld if they are getting paid legitimately and not cash. Also, if they are operating as an independent contractor, they only pay taxes if they choose to do so.

I’m with you. Kids are just kids until they start exploring themselves and their relations to others. I’ve read a bunch of articles about how parents basically ruined their son or daughter’s life by letting them transition prior to being able to make rational adult decisions.

Yeah, this guy seems a bit confused as the majority of the benefits recieved by tax payers are not directly paid to them. They are access to schools, use of roads, the existence of police and fire fighters, all the government functionaries that keep defend the nation etc etc. If you aren’t on the dole, your benefits

Sales taxes sure. How would one pay income taxes without a social? Or do you mean all the ones who do pay taxes are also committing identify fraud?

Yeah, I’m going to hazard that this kid doesn’t hasn’t made any conscious decisions either way because he is an 8 year old.

Hmm interesting...