
I can’t FOIA your keystrokes or office video to see what you are doing. Also if cams are mandatory and rolling 24/7, you will get a lot of weirdoes watching the citizenry in very horrible scenarios that I’d assume they’d rather not have on video. Think first responders to a rape or DV call.

Excellent example. The actions are open, the guns are slung, and facing the ground.

If there is one shooting a day, that would mean there are 365 shooting a year except leap year.

When your President, mayor, police chief, and police officer are black, which white people are in charge?

They are burning, looting, and shooting. How should they be treated?

That seems an apt way to describe it given the circumstances of the protests.

I mean a protesto shot another protestor so it seems unlikely to be accurate.

Why? One means a dangerous person got himself killed. The other means an innocent person was murdered for reading. This is a terrible take.

Open carry means visible, not brandished.

Idk, I’m equally comfortable with players using their voice politically or not at all. Sherman usually has measured smart takes. I don’t expect the same from most people.

This technology is bullshit. I deciphered that code in seconds. Didn’t even have to touch it.

Most of DC at least only accepts national influence, not international.

The milking isn’t of the “charity” donators, but the American people. I don’t believe anyone has ever accused her of willfully putting the money to poor use. It is the level of influence donors were buying from the Secretary of the State that looks untoward.

By the way, if anyone want to donate a BMW 20o2 in honor of the troops, to me. Please do so.

Definitely hot waterway talks!

Best pound for pound rock album rock album is a pretty dope accolade. Every sound on that album is a fucking hit.

Is he going for a Turkey (12 throat rips)?

I think outside, because the ? Is yours, not the quotes.

Lol, we bring death from the sky on a daily basis. They are undeterred.

Rich people will still own private cars even if they are autonomous.