
The best evidence they have that it is the “The Russians” (terrible phrase as it doesn’t specific between a person from Russia and the Russian government) is that some of the code is in Cyrillic.

You are correct. She didn't lie in her testimony. Just in numerous interviews to the American people. Whew, thank goodness she is only lying to voters and not the FBI.

“The Hewlett-Packard is the latest addition to a growing number of prominent Republicans who are actively speaking out against their party’s presidential nominee.”

Rule Number 1:

You don't want none of this shit Dewey!

Because it turns all your bad thoughts into good thoughts?

When did the jump happen to 17-20% for good service? I thought 15% was the standard?

Isn’t Ben Carson’s Jesus a Klingon? (Google the paintings of himself and Jesus to get the reference).

In my defense, I was high and I don't do write professionally.

A separate reading would say they want to amend their constitution so they can modernize their military and be better situated to defend against NK and China. NK threatens them regularly and has nukes and maybe the ability to reach Japan. China keeps building islands within the EEZ and claiming the zone as theirs.

They buy one or two digital licenses and can only loan out as many as they bought.

So I'm with you on the modern games being corrupt, but you lost me at Hilter given there were multiple Olympics before his rise to power.

They wanted something that will resonate with the visitors.

How was we supposed to know they aren't happy without a translation? You might as well have used Chinese letters and attributed anything you want to them.

Her improv scenario where she is the bitchy producer and Sim is the desperate assistant makes my sides hurt from laughin.

I think it was a joke. She says goofy shit on her podcast for laughs.

Seems like it was rehomed just fine.

“frankly close to an act of war”

Sweet irony, Hillary loses because of someone else’s server.

Most corrupt in modern time? No. Most corrupt in modern time and in the US, sure. She has Berlusconi, Putin, Chaves, and others to compete with in modern time.