
If we are lucky, sanders will gain control of the dnc. This will create a safe window for sane republicans to tack left. Bush senior republicans who don’t care about gays, abortion or Jeebus. They can be the centrists and work with dems on the left to stop the insane alt right. Republicans aren’t evil, just weak

Typical liberal media. Won’t even let him have one day on the job before you are judging him by all the things he has done and said in the public sphere.

Let me give you a quick rundown of the next 4 years. Be sure to bookmark this so you can go back to it in 2020, if the internet is still a thing.

My tea, was title town for forever. Then I was born and with it 19 years of the worst futility imaginable. Like Tampa bay bad. Then we get a savior. A quarterback that brings us not only a winning season, but 10-6! In today’s standards that’s magic. And he was magic. The magic man, we called him. Because of old