If you live in New England nobody mentions where they were planning to go. Just where they landed. Anything else is heresy.
If you live in New England nobody mentions where they were planning to go. Just where they landed. Anything else is heresy.
Like 60% of drivers these days?
Perfect visibility, straight line, already almost out of its lane and no attempt at avoidance? This driver needs a drug test, BAC test and logbook check... Either high, drunk or asleep!
one of the most innovative men to ever live.
Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.
Quick, everyone vote this one up so that the Jalopnik guys can’t do a slideshow because they are too busy puking!
I understand the penalties; he asked for permission and they said no, so of course they’ve got to punish that.
It sure does seem you hate them...
Dude calm down, freedom of human speech is a basic human right.
People like you are the problem
What do you mean “force men to take career setbacks”? I understand its often unfairly a set back for mothers who take time to care for and nurture their babies but i dont understand what you expect men to give up. You mean like force men to take maternity leave even if they dont want to?
Solution - a new tax on everyone to pay for the deadbeats! Then that .02% sales tax increase (it’s for the children!) goes into the state general fund where it can be spent on anything like private jets for Senators to get to the yearly meetings in Vail! It’s a win-win.
Time to ramble like an old man again...
Remembering when Robotech started airing on a local channel many decades ago, saw the first three episodes. A few weeks later attended my first Comic Convention (Dallas Fantasy Fair) the original subbed Macross Movie was being played in one of the movie rooms. Watched the movie…
Did you contest these incorrect additions to your credit history? I understand the credit agencies mess up all the time, apparently I applied for and received a credit card from Macy’s when I was 7 years old. But I contested this and it was removed from my credit history.
Oh, I get it now. They’re terrible at their jobs. Shoulda known!
Love the Buell XB’s. Have a 2009 XB12Ss of my own, gets thrown around in bends way too easily.
Challenge the credit pulls on your credit report with the 3 credit bureaus. They are required by law to investigate and get proof of the pulls. If the dealerships does not show proof of your agreement to have it pulled within 30 days, they are required by law, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, to remove them.
I mean, I hate that we even need to have a conversation about why people would want to post videos of cops online. But that’s pretty brilliant (or was for a short time anyway).
More taxes eh? Just what we all need.