Psh Noob.
Psh Noob.
sounds like you don’t know wtf you’re talking about. So please.... keep going! I’m hanging on every word.
That is one handsome car.
Because it isn’t a Honda Fit. Erik is kind of an idiot.
Because I think certain parts of Jalopnik find it gauche to own a fancy truck. They seem to be blind to the certain reasons for ownership.
Why hate on trucks? I prefer cars too but modern trucks really are the do it all vehicle. They make a lot more sense than an SUV to me.
You do realize that a lot of people actually work for a living and need trucks, right? That Kale salad you are eating was grown by a farmer that needed a truck. That structure you are living in was built by contractors that needed a truck. The internet you are using to post was installed by a person who was driving a…
One thing I always liked about Jalopnik was that it had multiple women writing about cars and car culture. One by one, they all seem to have left.
I don't think the bike has a longer range than listed, just that he was riding slower than you would on a big American highway. Push an unaerodynamic brick through the air at 80 mph and the battery will be drained in 70 miles for sure.
I can get a 25 year newer 5.0 for that price.
Shut up and watch this.
That big aggressive gaping grille is a bit outrageous on this. It’s like a small for their age 12 year old with a lot of orthodontic work and a bad fake smile in the school picture.
I disagree with this take. Hey man, it’s your opinion and I’m not going to get all bent out of shape about it. In fact, let’s try this. “Hey Bradley! Thanks for showing me some cool-ass thing I didn’t know existed!” I personally think it’s ridiculous, excessive and I like it. Wouldn’t buy one even if I could…
Seems like your recent articles have been pretty negative- or at least laced with negativity. Comes across cranky to me I guess.
Wow, you are super cranky lately. Everything okay??
Good riddance! Enjoy your CEL & your car smelling like garbage for a 0.001% gain in HP.
The author of this “comment” sounds like he had his balls stolen by a girl in a Prius. This read screams “I am a beta Male, hear my big truck!” Why the personal attacks instead of a poignant comment? Just makes you look like a douche, not me.
I ride a BMW, so I’m probably oblivious to it.