Service guarantees citizenship.
Service guarantees citizenship.
Todd Howard did take the time to specifically comment on "Goldilocks planets" so I think your hypothesis here holds some credibility. I like it.
The GR86 is a hardtop coupe that you see in nearly every parking lot now. The S2000 is none of that, and for some folks that has value in-and-of itself.
Mine isn't for sale but it's all stock w/ 126k. I told a nice couple at C&C that it's still on its first clutch and they offered me $25k. I wouldn't sell it for the world, though.
Facts, yup. I have some family from there and I’ve always loved the matter-of-fact approach to it. But really I was just trying to add more humor to the author’s own joke; not trying to be a jerk (like 90% of most Jalop commentors).
The Mayflower crew absolutely had a destination in mind (Colony of Virginia). I guess we know who didn't pay attention in November, huh?
The article is a play-by-play of what happened. Just because the author includes a few of their own quips, it's suddenly a "hit piece"?
And there it is. The dumbest, and most dangerous thing, I've read on the internet all day. I don't have a say in this fight, but I do have an opinion. If my opinion differs from yours - regardless of the subject - and you choose to "hound" me for it, I promise you'll have a much worse day than I.
As much as I vehemently despise credit and financing vehicles, I just had the exact opposite experience when I traded by '17 S1000RR for a '22 S1000XR. With a repo on my record through no fault of my own, I was worried and set on riding the RR home. I was shocked to learn that the repo was no longer on my report and…
Same. They were such a gem. I ended up with an 1125CR for several years but it as a little scarier at it's limits. Eventually traded it and now firmly planted in the BMW family.
What part of “Hummer”, announced years ago as an EV, gave you the slightest inclination that it would "be done right"?
This is the same approach used by most introductory motorcycle courses, also. I also use it myself whenever I first drive an unfamiliar car. Once you have a feel for the specific clutch engagement point, then most of the mystery is resolved.
Omg omg omg... this is going to be great! I can't wait to see how he over-promises and under-delivers!
Risk mitigation is a thing. Without it, life is boring.
Campbell PAO already basically said "lol there's nothing the FAA can do" and then I'm pretty sure they dabbed. Hell yeah. Air Assault!
They did all of that, too. At least we always did when I was crew dogging at Ft. Campbell.
It’s not all that bad. When my first son was born, I had a 95 Civic coupe. Now I have a daughter less than 12 months and an S550 Mustang, and it feels like a luxury.
The circumstances are product specific and determined by category. Things like Critical Safety Item (CSI) and Critical Application Item (CAI) flag the materiel for additional testing, on top of Gov’t Source Inspection and First Article Testing.
I’m genuinely okay with this. With the departure of old talent comes new talent. New ideas, and new methods of accomplishing said ideas. The old “If you always do what you’ve always done...” can become a mantra if you can harness your new talent and give them what they need to promote cohesion.
“Wrong.” - Apex Predators