Oh, not to mention that some of us consider driving “fun”, and we choose our vehicles based on our specific needs regarding what is “fun”.
Why stop there? Why not just Uber a Prius everywhere you need to go?
I don’t rightly give a damn what you think about what I choose to spend my money on.
I had a stick-shift Rodeo with the OHC engine that was damn near bulletproof when I needed it the most. I’ll admit it; I grinned while reading this headline more than a sane person should.
Man, Jason. I always look forward to reading your articles because you always seem to do your homework. However I have to admit that I was a little disappointed in the absence of ANY mention of the passing of Corey Gaspur. Anthem was his baby, and his first project as Lead Designer.
Who buys this? I’ll tell ya who...
Driver. Ugh... a car movie for scene/emo kids.
$50k for a WRX seems more reasonable to me than $40k for a Civic.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who understands this.
I gave up on Honda after 2009, when they axed the S2000. Now they’re just that old fling that keeps coming back, telling stories that start with “remember that time when...”
Some people, Torch. I guess they just need it broken down for them a little more. Barney-style.
This response took far longer to arrive than I anticipated.
David is okay, but I would buy anything Kristen Lee told me to.
Well, you’re partially correct. The other thing to consider is that returning fire with a pistol towards an unidentified target in a hotel far exceeding the pistols range would be a generally TERRIBLE IDEA to anyone knowledgeable in firearms.
I’d say The Daily Wire hit it on the head a little more effectively.
My Mom got a black-on-black Turbo Z the year they came out.
This is the greatest thing I’ve EVER read.