Moist Von Lipwig

There comes a point when drawing a car when you have to lift the pen from the paper and call it “done”. I look at it and think that’s what happened, then the person drank 5 Red Bull and went back at it.

I’m happy to see Aaron is still out there, and still creating incredible designs. I followed him for a little while after your article about World War Machine. Awe-inspiring work.

But it’s not technically “forging” - is what we’re saying.

I wonder if people are bitching about Widowmaker in these rooms.

That’s what I thought too. Marketing got involved. “Forging” calls to mind images of strength, and steel swords. “Molding” or “casting” just sounds like technobabble.

I’m with you there. - Another Aerospace Engineer

In the Army we referred to them as “Least Mission Critical”.

Stock Car Death Race 2020.

Different strokes, different folks. The guys and girls I talk to regularly at Campbell, Bragg, Stewart, Benning, Lewis, Drum, and Carson. Mostly Aviation branch.

I’m not convinced. Seems like the game is accurate to me.

Well, except for calling him “Commander in Cheeto”.

My remark was mostly regarding the standard rank-and-file service members that are actually doing the work. I hardly hear a bad remark from them.

Blizzard: Oh, man! It’s going to be impossible for Rule 34 fanart with THIS design.

Plenty of responses in this comments section are suggesting just that.

Oh, look. Another passive-aggressive response by a random asshole on an Internet comments section. Great job. I bet you have LOTS of friends.

You must be Coast Guard.


Yeah, because giving Obama “credit” for “getting Bin Laden” makes so much more sense.

Best response of this entire thread. I could hug you. Mentally.

And he’s still more respected by the military than the lawyer with no military experience he replaced.