I was part of an accident investigation many moons ago. A young Marine was driving a Growler side-saddle when he accidently activated the independent steering at 40 mph. He no longer has legs...
I was part of an accident investigation many moons ago. A young Marine was driving a Growler side-saddle when he accidently activated the independent steering at 40 mph. He no longer has legs...
I am now determined to use “aluminiuming” in conversation today.
No mentioned of the Challenger alternator recall that basically said “don’t drive your car unless you actually want to burst into flames and die” or the fact that it took nearly 8-12 months for replacements to hit the dealers?
This article should be redacted to read “strange odor” now.
I agree completely. I just bought a 2015 SI and I love the interior. There’s just something about it that seems to fit.
Feel better now?
You should go back and read the first reply then.
Don’t want to get cheated by retailers? Don’t buy stupid, plastic crap.
Ah. So you’re one of THOSE assholes.
Borrow an S2000 for a day. Any color. You’ll see.
So let’s get this straight. You clicked on a link with a headline that reads “Eat Shit, Cardinals”... and then you expected it to be an insightful and intelligently written prose with no tongue-in-cheek remarks? And then tell the writer that HE needs help?
As a parent who recently bought his son his first car, I would never have bought him a Corvette, FR-S, or Miata. Sorry, I want him to live long enough to buy his own car.
Having a profile picture of Bernie Ecclestone doesn’t win bonus points either.
Some people don’t read past the headline. Or like my Grandfather used to say: “It doesn’t matter what book you buy for a close-minded person because all their gonna do is eat the paper.”
I’d pay that much for a low-mile, unmodded example. But for me, questionable modifications performed by shade tree mechanics with no pedigree equals CP all the way.
Doug Demuro just got paid to use “My Enormous Hummer” in a title.
I’ll buy one. In 10 years. For $20k.
Same. I even bring the Stoeger Double Defense.