Moist Von Lipwig

Horns don't match on the Tauren either. Follower model, both horns broken. Cinema model, right horn only.

Call me crazy, but I always loved the RX-8's running in the Continental series.

But I'm also not too surprised that when you take a group of adults in a common profession and put them in the same "forum" - online or otherwise - where the popular belief is that they won't be held accountable for what they say/post - they'll turn into assholes.

Just leave. Door is over there.

Agree. And so is the Miata.

Make friends with your local Gamestop employees. When GS announced that they had more in stock but only through the website, she upgraded my preorder after a quick phone call.

But I promise you'll be the first person who knows, even before a For Sale sign goes on it.

It was a brief thought... a flight of fancy.

Well, looks like the S2000 in my garage is no longer at risk of trade. I was seriously considering it for a little while.

"Being towed being".

Seems to be some complaints about the Titanfall bundle on Amazon. People are saying it's the launch unit that's been opened with the Titanfall download code thrown in. This means you're buying a unit that requires the Day 1 patch, and might have a faulty disc drive.

Wait... street racing = bad? Helicopter shot down with flight crew on-board = good?

How far outside of your creative "comfort zone" did you and other designers stray in order to give us the McLaren X1? Thanks for participating!!

Why not? Check out the Army Times article. When asked if there will be a workaround to the connection requirements for deployed military they basically responded with "No. Too bad. Fuck you. Play with your 360."

Two flags on the chest, one for infrared signature and one color. Usually placed above the level of the steering wheel to aid ID while driving.

I had a 1991 SI that I traded for an '01 S2000. I still miss the Prelude. It was my intro to online forums and group meets, and I modified it tastefully. Still have the wheels.