
And...he’s still your fiance?

WaPo just published an interview with a fake news generator who said he planted a fake ad and reported on paid protesting, thinking that Trump supporters would look stupid for picking it up. Only no one fact-checked it, and it got yuge legs.

You can bet your ass if the wife or daughter of any of these fuckwads investigating Dr. Hern needed an abortion, late term or otherwise, they’d have nine million excuses why it was okay for them, just not the rest of us.

Say what you want about her but she is graceful yet tough as shit and a fighter. If only she had won... Instead we got a guy who can’t find his asshole with two hands and a flashlight.

YES! Nice work.

Hey, they won...something.

Kate’s improper use of “your” has forever killed my boner for her.

Meanwhile at one point 3 years ago the Tigers had Verlander, Porcello, AND Scherzer in the same rotation and we still couldn’t win shit.

So how does she feel about the electoral college?

I kinda think the same thing happens with the older generations and racism. Like my friend’s folks. They’ve said directly that black people come from a different “culture”

There are a lot of straight white guys who deserved to be talked down to about their wokeness (which they think they are perfect on), tho.

Two thoughts come to mind:

He doesn’t actually want a child, he wants the support that comes with it. As you say, if he’s so desperate to be a father, there are plenty of ways he can do so. That he wants to be a father to this particular embryo speaks volumes about his true intentions.

If the embryos result in a child, she might have legal responsibilities to it whether she wanted it or not. (The law on reproductive technology and custody is all over the place, so it depends on the state/judge.) But also, it’s different from a case where a woman is already pregnant. Here, there is no pregnancy, and

I don’t get that line. It doesn’t mean he can’t have kids, just that he can’t have kids with those women.

Still, Loeb made the baffling case in a New York Times op-ed last spring that he’s been unable to have kids because two of his ex-girlfriends had abortions.

He got booted from his gravy train and he’s desperate to get back on.

Ugh this whole thing is such a pile of WTF. If this guy wants a kid so bad, why can’t he just adopt one? Or, if he’s so desperate for a biological one, get a surrogate and an egg donor! There is NO reason for him to be doing this other than to be an insufferable, controlling asshole.