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I think they give us just enough of Raj's humanity to make us believe he can be more. We watch knowing that Raj, like the other characters can grow and become a better person, even as time and time again he continues to be exactly who he is.
Any episode with Zack is always a delight in my book, the wisdom of the fool, played against the awkwardness of the knowledgeable is always fun. "Are you sure you guys are smart" is really one of the best ways to sum up the shortsightedness and to an extent self-centeredness of the crew.
Obviously, the answer is, assuming a diverse cast as suggested, is show some more of that diversity here.Heck we just needed one shot of Wong looking all BA as he walked down a street about to pop a demon in the nose to immediately drop the Asian influence with No Asian's in the trailer critique.
Well technically, he was a superhero who then got into acting. So if there is a Simon Williams movie poster, either he has a very different origin, or he has already stopped being a superhero, and gone into acting. Might be a fun universe tie in, if his ionic energy empowerment happened back in the 60's when SHIELD…
I will agree this episode laid groundwork, but didn't go anywhere itself, but I do think that is not uncommon for this show, to have a weak episode that will in time bear some of the strongest fruit.
Corman's film is a Corman film. It is cheaply made, with campy plot, but it is enjoyable, just like a wide range of cheaply made, campy things are. West's Batman, Ferrigno's Hulk, Carter's Wonderwoman, they all have their joys, just like Corman's FF.
I don't believe there is any evidence Corman didn't intend to release his film. Others in the production perhaps had that intention, but all of Corman's actions seem to indicate he wanted at least a limited and video release of the property.
You know, Ang Lee's Hulk was a moody exploration of the Super Hero, with a stark visual style as well. That again is a film that could be easily argued as a Secret Success. That film may not have worked, but it had it's vision, and it's vision wasn't a haphazzard hodge podge. Maybe Trank had a vision, but it isn't…
I've discussed this in my podcast, I thought a great place to tie them to the MCU would be in the upcoming Antman Wasp film as they travel to the Microverse.
This film completely fails when Reed Abandons Ben at the research facility. Reed, even Ultimate Reed, would never do that. He would at least try to break out his friend, his BEST friend, who he dragged along on the mission in the first place.
A horror version of FF, with Agatha Harkness or Diablo, and Reed as a scientist totally out of his element, and needing to adapt sounds awesome.
I've always felt the best idea for the FF if it should ever come back to MCU, would be to establish that like Ant-Man they had been around for years (likely in the Negative Zone during the Invasion of New York) but kept quiet by SHIELD (until they fell) that time so that people wouldn't know there were in fact…
BvS is much better than FF was. Though FF set the bar incredibly low. BvS I could imagine being seen as a secret success some day, it had some real redeemable moments outside of it's forced JLA building, and really with the revelation that BvS has a four hour cut, the fact that it should have been two movies makes a…
Wow, so you're the guy who liked this film huh? While the film was trying to do something that might have been good, it failed miserably. You can blame Fox, you can blame Trank, but as with BvS it took a large number of people from executive producers down to caterers each doing their part to make these films as bad…
Watching this episode, I kept getting interrupted by news of politics, which is doubly annoying because said politics remains on my DVR as well. What I saw of the episode was solid, but I really am very creeped out with Hive Purplemanning Daisy. One hopes that Creel's blood will prove an antidote to the Hive's…
To me, I'm always hoping they are going to turn him into the MCU version of the Molecule man. His powers seem to follow a simpler version of his total control of inorganic matter (expanded to all matter after Secret Wars). Watching him develop into a real omega level powered being would be fairly amazing.
I must admit, I'm not fully familiar with the character of Jonah Hex, but I do believe that was a confederate uniform he was wearing correct? Did that really not warrant a comment at least by anyone?
The question of changing the future is certainly going to be the ongoing theme of this season. Fitz's time is static statement pretty much guarantees that his view of time will be shown to be in error. It's important to note that the powers that be (perhaps in an effort to appease Chinese censors) have stated that…
I had so hoped to see Senator Stern make a resurgence in Winter Soldier, perhaps as a far more menacing foil behind the scenes (not dissimilar from the Gideon Malick role on Agents of SHIELD). The idea of a Senator dancing off a Hydra allegation would have made great use of Shandling's little guy personae and could…