I wish on these recaps, AVClub would put the network or service the show is airing on right in the same box as the grade. I’d like to know if it’s available to me before reading the recap and get excited for the show.
I wish on these recaps, AVClub would put the network or service the show is airing on right in the same box as the grade. I’d like to know if it’s available to me before reading the recap and get excited for the show.
I thought this ep was not good -to put it mildly, and PWB appearance screamed fanservice.
It’s pretty disappointing.
Agreed. I gave up on the show after the third episode where Archie Punjabi shows up in a ridiculous “meet-cute” setup and for some reason Ruby decides to tell her entire adventure to a complete stranger. That’s the kind of shit that mediocre screenplays do.
No, not really. The leads are great actors, respectively, but together, they have almost no chemistry. And if you want smart characters, you won’t get any of that here.
I really WANT to love this show, but I’m having a hard time. It’s filled with a lot of what I’d describe as “sitcom hijinks” (albeit of a much darker nature) that normally make me want to leave the room. I’ve been able to get through some of it because of how great Merritt Wever is so far, but I can only take so much.…
My level of love/hate for Carrie Matheson knows no bounds.... but damn if this wasn’t a great finale. Speaking of 8 Season series on Showtime, another quick FUUUUCKK YOUUUUU to the Dexter finale. Because it deserves it .... every day.
I’ll say it. I really enjoyed this finale, and this season was solid. Great even. It might even be one of its best.
Felt like a filler episode and it's only episode 2. Already spinning it's wheels.
Not gonna lie, this was disappointing. They went too far in having Ruby be unlikable. I can’t root for someone who leaves her husband and kids to sleep with another man and then acts shocked when her credit cards are canceled. That’s her husband’s money!
Wow, I disagree with this review. This was a fantastically paced and written episode. I particularly liked the reveal of the Cold War dealings. The cross cutting reminded me of le Carre.
Hard disagree. I want to like this show so bad, and her acting actually makes it unwatchable at times. Maybe she was miscast, maybe she’s just not a good lead, but her as Lily is cringey as f, every episode it gets somehow worse for me.
Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.
So... they settled the debate by literally not settling on a side in the debate?
Nope. Oliver brought up harassment allegations against Hoffman while they were discussing a movie centered around harassment allegations. It’s literally the perfect time to ask Hoffman about them.
Did your boss tell you to write a negative review on purpose because av club has become irrelevant and you need some traffic? This is one of the most uninformed, agenda driven reviews I have ever seen and I’m not even a big Franco fan. The bias against him in this review is weird.
I feel like any time you see a critic describe something as a “vanity project” it does nothing but reveal their own biases. Is it because the person created commercial art even though it wasn’t a financial necessity? Is it because the artist put themselves somehow “too much” at the center of the piece, challenging…