Dedalus is a much smaller presence in Ulysses.
Dedalus is a much smaller presence in Ulysses.
"Embarrassed to admit that despite reading lots, I read almost nothing from 2015 this year." There's no reason to be embarrassed by that. The quest to keep up with the brand new is one of the least interesting reading paradigms I can think of.
"I'll need ten more years" — That's how I feel, too. But it isn't an urgent matter to me; I spend enough time discovering, say, some great album I'd never heard of from the mid-'70s.
I've thought one was out-of-this-world extraordinary — but that reflects on my sex life at the time quite like you'd expect it to.
But there *have* been song and mix differences.
This is basically my 2015, except the old guy is Dylan, and the album is the Bootleg Series '65-'66. And the other one on there would be the new Faith No More.
I embraced my musical behind-the-times-ness a decade ago, and lists like this are just a curiosity for me now. The only one of these 15 I've checked out at…
I'm not saying they're all wildly different from each other, but there's more out there than you've just let on.
I don't know the answer to my own question, but I know a collector who owns numerous different versions of their albums. lists more than 400 versions of ZOSO alone.
The BEatles' ubiquity may maket heir repackaging seem more egregious than othersb',u t I don't think it really is. a lot of Beatle repackaging has been interestingand well done (especially, of course, thean thologies). Just think, as one counterexample, how many repackagings of eLvis Presley songs just throw some…
After No Code is the same point that I tuned out.
I don't think conspiracy acknowledgment is the same as conspiracy theory. To be "anti-corporate" is basically just to acknowledge the fact that those who already control most of the society's wealth actively conspire in order to maintain and further that disparity.
He has done about the fullest likability 180 I can think of.
I'd say I agree with the article but not the headline.
Oh, had Holy stayed at cruiserweight, he'd have ruled it indefinitely. It's just that, for whatever reasons, no one pays any attention whatsoever to cruiserweight.
The fan man dropped on Bowe-Holyfield, not Holyfield-Tyson.
Eavestroughs? I've never heard that. Where do people say it?
Judson Fountain Judson Fountain Judson Fountain
The gulf in thoughtfulness and talent is so gigantic, though. Like Michael Jordan is the basketball player that Jeb Bush would be if he were, you know, constructed completely differently in almost every way.
They aren't as good as any of the stuff you mentioned, but I agree that they drew a lot of inspiration from it.
Hey, they're both right.