
i love the rhetoric that it’s all creamsicles and unicorns being a white male. as fire marshal bill used to say, “let me show you something...” racers don’t hate you because you’re a woman / minority / lgbtq / whatever; they hate you because they hate everyone including themselves. it’s that simple. the losers who

uggghhh... theroot has chosen to quell the open dialog between cheese and myself by deleting threads you cannot see. this site is really only interested in inciting division.


look like theroot isn’t really isn’t interested in dialog since they deleted most of our dialog.

you espouse freedom of expression but if “whitey mcwhiteface”(as referenced elsewhere on the site) were to sing Jay’s n....s in Paris lyrics many POC would lose their *hit; so it’s not really about freedom of expression it’s about freedom of your expression and everybody is just supposed to fall in line (third

the third reich reference stands on it’s own; the third reich’s response to opposition is documented. i don’t care if you’re offended that others are offended as long as you understand their right to be offended. i’m offended that you want to beat my a$$ if i sing the lyrics to a jay-z song (because you feel

racial profiling.... the inconvenient truth is that if you wanted to stop mass shootings/killings (deaths of 3 or more in one incident) you would racially profile white men. this is a narrative that our good friends at fox overlook. we are reminded of this in the recent waffle house shootings. again with the

c’mon people... what don’t you get about those good ol’ midwestern values? what’s funny is that after decades of these stories, school administrators (and alumni) ( i.e. those in charge of the asylum ) haven’t made it a priority to stop activity like this. they can figure out how to fly around in private jets and

like it or not some people (independent of race) “feel” that not standing for the anthem is an insult. who are you to say how they should feel? if i put the palm of my hand 1" from your face would you not “disrespected” despite my cries no insult intended?

“armchair ‘patriots’ getting rabid over some perceived ‘disrespect of the flag’” you’re offended because others claim they are offended? your claim is that you can express however you want but others cannot claim the same?

“announced their divorced”? does anyone proofread anymore?

there are white people in oakland? seriously, there are white people in oakland other than the protesters koch brothers hire to show up when ann coulter visits? i’ve had oakland pd pull me over (driving while white) and escort me to the nearest I-80 onramp with advice to “gtf back over the bridge” {their words, not

so.... no one has a problem with the fact the girls date (in most states) is a pedophile?

a lot of “they” in this thread; ironic?

funny how you call out tucker carlson as a member of the klu klux klan while espousing their rhetoric. “Now I understand: It is just what white people do.”

isn’t it funny how almost half of the senate and ten percent of the house of representatives showed up to publicly chastise FB for disclosing data users freely disclosed yet voted to allow your ISP to sell your internet activity? you pay your internet service provider between tens and hundreds of dollars a month and

i lived in nv for four years and kanye never came up in conversation. rump’s alignment with kanye may do more harm than good (to rump). nevadan’s are still upset that rump hasn’t expelled all the people who build their homes, mow their lawns, wash their cars and provide all the tasty meals at the casinos while

their stance so far has been as long as you’re not doing any of those things {captured on video} you’re good to go (you may have to serve some time before being allowed on field again).

so you’re kinda for personal expression but not really? i can express my feelings as long as they align with yours? isn’t that third reich kind of stuff?