
John McCain’s daughter, Meghan, is (according to the internet) 38 years old. She earned her BA from Columbia in art history in 2007. She has not been anywhere near a college or university campus for almost two decades.

And outside of fighting “woke” and spreading memes what, precisely, is it that you fascists are up to?

Racist stuff,” you say? Insightful.

Give it a rest, dork.

“A brilliant artist”. Come on. I don’t care if you like her. But...uh... “brilliant”?

First of all, it’s legalese.

Not surprising his supporters would talk like this.

That’s what I came here to ask. She should be a millionaire by the end of the week.

I made the mistake of clicking on the photo. Somehow the embedded photo is not even *close* to being the weirdest.

The irony of some Stormfront troll telling others to get a sense of humor.

Why should we find actual grooming funny?

Yeah. That 100% means you, weirdo.

Gayest comment I have ever read in my life. 

You cannot honestly be this stupid - it dominates *YOUR* political discourse. Because Ted Cruz (for example) has decided to keep it in the news. He knows how easily led you are from nonissue to nonissue. This forces people to respond.

We know you would, little buddy.

Glad to know “cancel culture” is no longer the greatest threat to Western civ you wimps claimed it was three months ago.

How desperate do you think she is, mouthbreather? 

This is your 4th comment in under 4 minutes. At 1am. Everything ok?

Send the kids to a Catholic school. 

You are talking about the woman who complained about missing a preschool graduation, right?