You scared, honkey?
You scared, honkey?
Will that be before or after they arrest Hillary?
In your fanfic?
Republican-heavy areas? Like fucking farmland and abandoned Main Streets? Get in your tractor and drive to the polling station, you fat fuck.
Even you dont know what the fuck that is supposed to mean.
Ah. Copy and paste. Not easy to do at 12:30am with your third bigmac in hand.
^^ Dont tell this guy about the Greeks. He’d have to throw out his 300 poster.
Bitch. You are drunk and shitposting at 1am.
It’s almost like these articles do the same to you. Your stunning lack of self-awareness isn’t all that surprising, I suppose.
She said she “could not stand” her husband for 10 years. Out of 30. If you stay with someone you “could not stand” for 33% of your entire life together, something is wrong. That is insane.
I thought her name was Melanie. I guess even her own husband doesn’t know.
Totes needs more emojis, dude!
Is that what Rock had in mind? Hm. Weird.
Hahaha. Wow. Wouldn’t you like to know.
^^^ Cares deeply about womens’ sports
You said “kids”.
Right. Because those laws Iowa Republicans are rolling back were enacted for no particular reason other than to be mean to “kids” (your words) and limit their ability to work. It probably doesn’t have anything to do with the fact children used to work 15-16-hour days in mines and other dangerous environments like…
The “threat” of falling birthrates - and laying the blame on women refusing their “natural duty” as mothers - goes back well before fascist Italy. Pronatalist policies existed in their modern form by the end of the 19th century, and continued into the post-WW1 era. It was a response to the rise of the first wave of…
Wow. Good one, Sam.
The Howling is good. Maybe not any better than, say, Silver Bullet. But it is still a classic.