Gordon Bombay

I don’t recall them offering him a contract.

All those black baseball players are lying. The white guy who supports Trump is the guy telling the truth.

Thank you. I have been saying this since March. I dont want Lonzo Ball anywhere near my team.

Fattest President since Taft.

Not even a little bit. I am a DC guy. Cannot wait for all three teams to lose tonight.

The Lynx are the only team from Minnesota that don’t play like girls.

Khloe Kardashians vagina has more Western Conference Finals experience than Cliff Paul.

Is it just me or are the Nats guys so far incredibly benath Thorn/Palmer? You don’t appreciate the O’s guys until you watch an inning of a Nats game. FP Santangelo and whoever are just awful. Boring, Dull, noninsightful and tons of dead air. I feel pain for FP everytime i turn on a nats broadcast.

You still got a long way to go Peckerhead.

If you fail a test, you make the league minimum the rest of your career. I bet that will weed out these juicers.

All this will take will United to offer $100 round trip fares til the end of the month and everybody who is “never gonna fly United again” will be first in line.

“Say Bro, you only need to find 37 people who want to pay $250 to get involved.”

Also, some pretty good Villanova teams.

Also, Cowboys cornerback. MVP of Super Bowl XXX

Trump is harder on Nordstrom than he is on Putin.

incorrect. January 3rd, 1993

thats sir sidney to you

This list helps nobody. Everyone listed is a top player and their position and is a no brainer starter every week regardless of the match-up.

Bed? It was a 1pm game.

pronounced pee-yay