Yawn, it’s been done on a 50 year old Honda CT (which got over 90 mpg). If I were to point to where EV’s derailed, it was somewhere around when this dipshitmobile became the focus over making them practical.
I’m wondering how many class-action lawsuits there have been over faulty manual transmissions? Could be a way to lower liability.
Nope. You already set the tone with threats of violence (murdering your children? Jesus). I have no use for you, your opinion, or your “permissions”. Your chance at honorably debating the Japanese justice system ended a long time ago. Looking over your other posts I’m amazed how often you whine about personal…
Having owned and rebuilt three 70’ and 80’s era 258 engines I can tell you there is much more to the story. Sure it may run poorly for 200k but usually they need rings and a bore at 120k. The BBD carbs are terrible and get worse with age. If they don’t burn the valves from running too lean they wash the lubrication…
Lol. You are supposed to be the adult in this scenario? You may be old but you lack maturity.
IF that’s true (and you really don’t know) that just makes your behavior that much sadder. All those years and you haven’t learned how to interact with people? Good God..re-evaluate your life man. Or just rehash more juvenile attempts at insults; I honestly don’t care either way because arguing and trolling here…
Jeez kid, go back to call of duty until your balls drop.
So you changing the subject from Carlos’ crimes to the severe deficiencies of the Japanese justice system IS ok though? Just want to make sure I have your rules straight.
”...and you are a snowflake idiot.“
“Sadly the U.S. doesn’t give one lick of a shit about due process. Despite an official stance that claims to the contrary, as a matter of practice your guilt is assumed the moment you’re arrested.”
Contrast that to the individual racism of you and your post.
“That said, it sure as hell does feel a bit manipulative.“
It has to be a statistical problem with higher speeds, more complex suspension (coil vs leaf), miles and tire size.
2 reasons solid axles are perfectly fine: they work and they piss you off for some reason.
Holy shit, are you the result of a troll algorithm?
I don’t get it. I’ve driven CJs, FSJs and Scouts for decades and never experienced this. I don’t even run a steering damper on my current CJ5. It has about 10000 miles since a rebuild with about half highway. Good maintenance? Leaf springs? Just lucky?
When building my jeep CJ, I found 1” brass balls (heh) online. They have threaded holes. One for the transmission and one for the transfer case. I have a twin stick conversion which will add a third lever and a third plain brass shift knob. The point of this story is that I will have a more confounding anti-theft…
Bulb? Hell I replaced the whole thing for $15* from Walmart!