
You are clueless

Still does not give anyone permission to board,capture and seize another governments property and citizens. Surround them....yes but capture ....nope.

You can not violate international waters numbnutz

You are clueless, You are a representative of the USA Navy not a trespasser. You do not give up your arms or ship . If they fire at you, you return fire. If they point guns at you , then you point them back!

You NEVER LET ANYONE BOARD WITHOUT PERMISSION OR SURRENDER. You stay on the boat until the embassy works out the details or you die fighting.

They sponsor terror globally even supplying ied weapons to shia militia in Iraq that killed an maimed US troops.

Giving up your weapons to a rogue force is not conduct becoming of a US Naval Officer.

Iran is getting billions of dollars in a few hours from sanctions being lifted. Maritime Law went out the window when they boarded the vessel by force and took them prisoner.