Charley Deppner

I know it’s tempting to frame Robert Wise solely as a director of musicals to juxtapose against this particular effort, but it’s also relevant he was also the director of The Haunting, The Andromeda Strain, and (most notably) The Day the Earth Stood Still.

“Can you drive stick,” is a good vetting process to determine if you can handle reasonably complex machinery.

What I’d like to know is if the microplastic leaches into the water from the bottle or how it’s filtered and/or delivered to the bottle- being there’s a prevalence of plastic plumbing and filtration systems.

My kids were extremely disappointed KotN did not air this past summer. Watching it as a geek family was a joy.

There should also be a seen where Stinker drives his truck, forcing a motorcycle off the road, who then crashes into a poolside wedding reception where he subsequently collides into a 5-tiered wedding cake. <slow motion>

Oh yeah...and lots of ‘splosions.

It’s okay. This comment isn’t great either.

This analysis is more on point than my previous notion that many assumed the mantle of alt-right, initially out of irony and in a fashion similar to donning a leather jacket to appear tough.

Is it lost in this review or comments, the ADT serviceman is Holden Ford?

There was no ADT home security service in the 1970's...This is a time jump of Holden post-FBI.

Someone got married...Someone is going to die...Good things never last.

Impossible Mission FTW!

I’ve heard of multiple cases where people originally claimed to endorse Trump ironically, and then found themselves endorsing him sincerely.

I am of the mind President Trump is evidence we live in a “post-ironic world.”

I would not purchase this book because it removes the incentive to have the type of discussions & speculation you are likely to have when you are high.

It used to be ‘events’ (á la Crisis) were necessitated to explain, resolve or take advantage of the lack of continuity. The sales, interest and publicity was a “happy byproduct.”

You cannot capture that “lightning in a bottle” by design. Marvel saw what DC did with Crisis, copied it and it’s been getting watered down

Now playing

I do hold a lot of sentimental feelings about the music piped into Innoventions Plaza. I know it’s not “extinct,” but just to bundle it with this thread...

If ever before anyone suggested I’d request “Elmer Fudd meets Batman” be added to my pull list...

“Harmonicas of Evil”

Agreed. Solely because due to science fiction, etc. we’ve been conditioned to assume space is significantly more crowded than it is. I mean logic us different, but “my space guts” refuse to accept it.

I mean just consider the amount of the world’s oceans unexplored, etc. etc.

Call Now: 1-888-274-4447 to speak to an operator (Gruncle Stan).

Watching this confirms it’s John C. Reilly’s world now. We just live in it.

It’d be great if the Audi Quattro was able to challenge the Lunar Rover to a race and end up making some kind of Red Bull-esque commercial.