
Hair is alive... It grows.

“their” possessive=ownership... As in “their clothes”

What am I missing. We who watched the show knew this...

Same here wewont eat at people’s homes ever. Its very rare because of how they live. Filthy house..bacteria ridden hands and gawd knows what is in the kitchen where food is prepared. We simply do not eat anywhere but atchome 99.99% of the time. People do nasty shit with their hands and even in restaurants if their

Exceot when price shopping it's still basically free shipping or at least much cheaper over most every other place I compare to. I save far more on shipping and the lower cost of the item than everywhere I compare to 85% if the time on pretty much everything. It's a godsend for a small business, not to me tion the not

Yep. Just because it's there doesn't.mean you have to buy it. Sounds like a money spending issue more than anything. I've saved 5 times over the cost.if my membership in gas and shipping alone not to me tion I love most if the Amazon original movies and series.