
I don’t think I’ve seen this dude in anything but he looks like a badass.

God, he is beautiful.

It would be awesome to get an Age of Mythology remake or sequel too.

It is funny how the wokest of the woke, Isha Aran, is basically saying “they all look alike”.

I, for one, am still reeling from the cultural insensitivity of not casting an actual demon in the lead role of Hellboy himself.

She can’t tell the difference between Asians sitting upon that high horse of hers.

Why did you just rattle off a bunch of random Asian dudes? Wouldn’t it need to be specifically someone of mixed raced descent who is both Japanese and white? Steven Yeun is Korean if I am not mistaken. Same with Kang and Kyson. It is wildly offensive for you to just assume that all people from Asia are the same.


This is why I could never understand people who quit their jobs to be a youtuber (unless they are making 100% original content). Basing your livelihood off of a service you have no control over seems like a big gamble.

so basically, Thousand Island dressing.

Jesus, they never call traveling anymore.

Did we see them die? If so, I’m gonna assume they’re still alive.


Watching the mayor and Gov both seemed to think it was all or nothing - either evacuate all 2 million people or NO people. You want to scream “How about assessing the situation more thoroughly and getting out the most vulnerable?!?”

98% chance his other hat says “make America great again”

As an alcoholic I welcome him to try

Still the best one

Jon Jones.

It’s funny, but his air high-fives are even funnier.
