Loquacious of Borg

I wish them all the luck.

Or at least a remake of the Bare Wench project

I guess you never saw Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows

I don’t think there’s any separating that marketing campaign from the experience of seeing the movie. Even if you knew it was bullshit, the anticipation it build up added to it massively.  Long way of saying I don’t think catching it again today would have anywhere near the same impact.

Blair Witch remains the single greatest moviegoing experience of my life, full stop.

Lionsgate’s excuse is that they didn’t give residuals because they thought all three died at the end of the first movie.

Yes. Still the best and most effective found footage movie out there.


Every time I hear his name I think, Rob Schneider is.. a Stapler.

Now playing

It’s poetic justice how the closest thing Rob Schneider has to a comedy legacy is a parody of him made by more talented people.

Not another Blair Witch reboot

There are lots of hard solutions. Doing the daily work ourselves to identify and overcome bias, making opportunities for marginalized people where we have the power to do so even if it’s at a cost, speaking up for marginalized people, not making fun of and diminishing the contributions of others who speak up for

15 best moments and no Jean-Ralphio? But good choice not including any moments with his sister, since she is the wooorrrrst.

The Trial of Leslie Knope and then Citizen Knope also provided very nice heartwarming and memorable moments. At the end of Citizen Knope, when everyone reveals the model of city hall and bands behind Leslie for her election run, I get misty every time.

i actually thought dwight and angela had the most interesting relationship on the show.

My daughters were watching something when they were younger and giggling like maniacs.  I walked in to see what was up and they thought they were in trouble.  When they finally showed me what they were laughing at, it was Larry’s “Fart Attack” scene on YouTube.  They both now have Lil’ Sebastian shirts and we’re on

The visual of Ron driving away with a restaurant sized smoker/grill in anger attached to a late 90s/early 00s Buick Century will never not be funny to me.

Westeros runs on Dunk & Egg.

I read The L-Shaped Room many years ago, after I’d seen the movie. It was surprisingly frank for the time, I thought, with the no-nonsense unwed mother and her multi-ethnic neighbors living in tenement poverty. A couple of good tips I learned: a baby doesn’t need a basinette, you can use a drawer; and if your landlady

the only Indian in the Cupboard i acknowledge is the saag paneer in my pantry ya heard