Loquacious of Borg

he does tend to find positive things to say about most adaptations of his work.

not like it’s embarrassing, or anything.

To the Crowdfunding Copter!

The only thing more confusing than how corporations expect people to pay for things after cutting as much paying jobs as possible, is how companies expect to make money by shutting down anything they have to sell.

“Eh... I probably won’t watch it”

After hearing the sound of the acorn, the deputy reported that he also felt a “tingliness” all along the side of his body. He then said his “legs just give out” and he fell to the ground, assuming that he had been seriously injured by something.

Maybe not, but If you look closely you can actually pinpoint the exact moment his heart breaks in two.

My guess is it will be on FX as early as this Sunday morning.

Disney only had to recast Genie because they pissed off Robin Williams. Cravalho & the Rock both still like their roles; Cravalho just isn’t playing her in the live-action for practical reasons.

The sort of movie that has no blooper reel because all the mistakes are in the final cut and no one gave a shit.

The rest of the list would be the rest of the cast of Grease.

I don’t disagree with that, and I also think he was supportive of “America” in a generalized way and not necessarily a politicized way, at least at first (I obviously can’t claim to know what he actually thought or felt). I do think it’s still problematic when people don’t examine what that kind of thing means, and

What an absolute legend, and by all accounts, seems to have been a terrific human being. What a big loss.

Also, I’m nursing a fucking second-degree burn on my lip right now from a hipster pie, so I feel ya on that.

I predict a hilarious scene where somebody burns the shit out of their mouth, and then they try to solve that problem to save the product, then somebody says “You know what? Fuck it. Sell’em anyway”.

The second is not so great. The third is garbage.

“Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

It’s going to be easy for Moriarty to catch you when you can only move in baby steps.

I wonder if moving like that might help motion sickness from first person VR walking.