Loquacious of Borg

What about a tag team ticket?

Yeah, I have no interest in the cactus plant thingamabob but just a rumor of these buckets making a comeback and I’m tempted to camp out like it’s a 1999 Star War event. Nostalgia’s a b. 

Based on the comments in the episode recaps, I assume this question will be at the top of many people’s minds

Even if they’re found guilty (fingers crossed), there’s still the whatabouts from the far right - Epstein, Gates, Clinton, blah, blah, blah.

Do you want to watch my film Berserker!”

Double entendre!

Gone but not forgotten!

Stranger Things 1-5 are all about the Upside Down. This new show will focus on an entirely new dimension - the Inside Out!

Been borked for a while but I’m not sure if that’s a bug or a feature. I mean, think about how many more click$ these articles get when commenters have to go back to see if they’ve gotten likes?

Think The Goonies in a galaxy far, far away


Just tell me where to right-click and save so I can share in the fun

From the local (FL) NPR story I heard about this yesterday, there were some bureaucratic reasons that this hero wasn’t formally recognized sooner. His sister was unrelenting in her efforts (along with a local congresswoman) to get the bureaucracy changed (this particular aspect of it anyway) and if future service

So I need to start praying to RNGesus in all aspects of my life? Gacha.

I’m wondering if “Ultron” is actually the same Vis from Zombieland. Thanos was also there in Wakanda with all the other stones, maybe Vis got the upper hand and tried to use the stones to undo the zombie plague but it doesn’t work so he needs to recruit the Multiverse-vengers?

Life uh finds a way 🤷

If you saw gas lines across the state and people struggling to get their vehicles filled just to get to and from work or get their kids to and from school, would your top priority be filling that rally car (which, awesome btw) or waiting until the panic subsided a few days later? Having just two days ago been that

Does the backpack rocket fire? That’s really the only thing that matters here.

Somehow it will involve Jon Hamm

Oh wow, I still have the pieces for this set but it’s been so long since I got them I forgot what the original was supposed to look like. So thanks!