
How dare you.

you’re calling everyone in the 501st a closeted fascist?

Yeah, it was pretty clear Mace Windu was pushing the Jedi Council’s decision to not allow the Supreme Chancellor to dictate how they run their business. Like “Fine, we’ll take your handpicked guy and put him on the Council — but under objection...”

you’re calling an org that has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to charity over its lifetime...fascist?

TLJ did a great job of laying out how Jedi/Sith were basically fighting a holy war over their very different and narrow views of an otherwise universal truth (the force).

I just hope they were correctly identified, because if some other people looking like them (lol) were to be found as the real perpetrators, this accusation along is already enough to end their career, even if they were to be proven innocent. The Internet Tribunal tends to ignore follow-up stories.

Not nice to make fun of a skin condition.

It’s interesting to compare Ahsoka and Luke here - because Luke learned barely anything about the Jedi from Obi-Wan and Yoda before embracing the label himself (“a Jedi, like my father before me”), when he later turned his back on the Jedi order, he cut himself off from the Force entirely. Because he didn’t know the

One of my favorite things about the prequels is how it portrays how flawed and hidebound the institution of the Jedi is, and having Ahsoka leave the Order as she grows and recognizes those flaws in the spin-off show was an inspired decision.

Sadly, it’s a deeply flawed movie, despite the performances and actors. It feels like a movie that was written by a committee, who then shot half of it, and then the committee ran off with the script, so a second committee met in the room where the first committee met, and wrote a new script based on the notes they

Probably my favourite Nick Frost performance, full stop.

Nah, it doesn’t surprise me. The World’s End is the one that gives Pegg’s the most to chew on, characterwise.

This month marks the 10th anniversary of  The World’s End

What I want to know is how did those hostages, being stored under the Skrull base sitting on a radioactive zone, not die?

After dozens of movies and TV series it may be time for a little break. At least for me, the MCU doesn’t hold much interest any more. There aren’t even those big tentpole films any more that mark the changing of phases.

It just wrecks far too much of Endgame is Rhodey was a Skrull. His interactions with Nebula were among my favorite parts of that movie. And he was the first at Stark’s side at the end.

Also. wearing a hospital gown only means that he was in a hospital at the time they took him (and didn’t dress him, I guess). He could have gone to the hospital multiple times with his injuries. Even after Endgame. The fact that he needed help walking and had some leg function when released from the Skrull pod, but

I assumed he was wearing the prosthetics under his pants, that Stark had just used his nano-watsits at some point during the blip to make his friend something slim-fitting. I thought someone somewhere had mentioned that they could see lights through the cloth, but I didn’t see that during a quick step-through of