"if two much of the wrong color was filtered out." —you mean "too" not "two" #corrections
"if two much of the wrong color was filtered out." —you mean "too" not "two" #corrections
The link to the book on Amazon has a screwed up link, BTW. #corrections
How convenient that the egg has a little man hole cover on top that just pops off.
Y'know, I didn't mind Clash of The Titans, in the same way I didn't mind the first G.I. Joe movie. I knew they were going to be stupid fun going in, and I got what I expected.
I too have a stinging-insect phobia, and this video and not done anything to allay my fears...
Thor was pretty good, but I would've ranked Captain America above it in the superhero movies of 2011 category.
Yeah, please post a warning in the title that graphic images are present. Not cool to be surprise by that.
I've watched almost all of Fringe on DVD or streaming online and I think it's a very different experience. These four episodes of slow burn can be watched in two days rather than four weeks, so they don't seem like a very large departure and the pacing works very well. Similarly, everybody hated the first half of…
I like to think that it would go down like it did in Let The Right One In: the vampire would just start bleeding from every orifice and maybe eventually explode.
I'm interested to see how he merges forced perspective, which he did so well in the LOTR movies, with 3D, which could easily undo the illusion.
Apart from the laser swords, it doesn't have anything in common with Star Wars. But that's not to say it's not a pretty good movie.
The reason that the Schroedinger's Cat is cool, and the reason that this video completely misses, is the dual nature of electrons as both waves and particles:
This must be what all those freaky Japanese ghosts do when they disappear and suddenly they're all up in your face.
Um, to kick ass and be a superhero don't you have to, y'know, be in shape? At least capable of jogging around the block without having to take a break? Be flexible as well as strong? It's like saying "Man, why don't they ever let fat people compete in the Olympics..."
@JackHoliday: Truth! George should hire people to set about creating new prequels as if the ones he created had never existed.