Just buy a 1967 Lincoln - convertible preferably. I know you said ‘small enough to maneuver through Europe’, but why should you adjust to them? Make them adjust to you! Also, when at ‘petrol stations’, be sure to pour out a liter or so to honor your homies (and make sure the locals see you do it).
When are you changing the name (and banner) to “FuckTrump Alpha”? I mean, instead of pretending this is an analytical or news site why not just come out and say it?
Actually this is quite odd. You can only fit one child at a time in the car (with no spouse). I’m not sure what she is saying here. Is she leaving the kids with a nanny? Is there an upcoming divorce? Is she planning on flouting child restraint rules? What the hell is going on?
Never use currency exchange rate figures to say “X spends more than Y”, it is meaningless. For example, the pay for a Chinese private is roughly $1,200 PER YEAR. The best estimate for total cost of each soldier in China is roughly $14,000 PER YEAR (cost of a US soldier is upwards of $500,000 PER YEAR). Does China…
I’d like to hear more about this treaty that requires ALL nukes be fired.
Terrell won’t do that as his articles, so far, have been opinion. He doesn’t seem to have an interest in objectivity.
I am fully prepared, and expect, to call Trump’s foreign policy a disaster - especially on trade. I hope I will be wrong. But as to Obama’s (and, to be fair, Mrs. Clinton’s) foreign policy in regards to Russia, there may not be a better word than ‘disastrous’. The best that can be said is that we didn’t get into a…
This is exhausting. Nowhere did I dispute the economic decline - read for comprehension, not for knee-jerk political argument. The decline was mostly attributable to the decline in oil prices (ask any oil executive or commodities trader), and my point was simply that Terrell not only did not mention this but actually…
Low oil prices had a much greater effect on the examples you give than the sanctions. To apply such a decline to the sanctions is simply not justified, as a similar decline in oil discovery operations occurred in the United States (we didn’t sanction ourselves, did we?). I’ve noticed a serious degradation of critical…
This is the quote from the article I took issue with: “His coordinated efforts with the European Union to sanction Russia over its annexation of Crimea taxed its economy so severely that it contracted 3.7 percent in 2015". This is simply not true. In fact, go back and re-read the link you provided (Wikipedia, by the…
I don’t understand your question. Are you assuming I am a Russian apologist or something of that nature? I am not, nor am I a Trump supporter (especially in regards to foreign policy). The point of my original reply was to point out that the article spent more time justifying the actions of the past administration…
I can certainly be faulted for painting you with a broad brush without supporting evidence. Hopefully you understand that my observation was directed towards the larger community of ‘journalists’ you have joined.
“the most apolitical of analysis” - that is hilarious.
The IMF has, of late, become rather pointed in their opinions, and increasingly unreliable as a neutral source pure information. But you are absolutely right in assigning the majority of Russia’s economic woes to declining oil prices (I wish the article had said as much).
As this article seems to be largely an attempt at defending the past administrations policy and damning the one that started 1 hour ago, I will only point out that, even as such, it is poorly thought out. One can basically stop reading after this early sentence “His coordinated efforts with the European Union to…
1st Gear: The use and abuse of the Commerce Clause needs clarification.
I was told by an Air India pilot (much later on after retelling the story to him) that this was not an uncommon occurrence back in the ‘70's. They used to fly to Mecca, and many pilgrims had never been on a plane before - or even seen a toilet or toilet paper. So Air India equipped their planes with carpet cleaners…