Charles Martel

My corvettes and mustangs need company. This is very likely happening; this is the right price.

Please reread your history of the expansion of Islam by the sword. This has nothing to do with us besides the fact we're it's targets. This has been going on for 1400 years. We are righteous in defending ourselves. Colonialism was but a brief respite from Islamic aggression. Please google "Arab slave trade" for

Ooo this purple works for me.

Sorry, Islam isn't a race. Try again, social justice warrior. Your like will have to answer for allowing invaders into our midst and being actively ignorant about their motivations. If anyone should be disgusted, it is we who have been betrayed by you, our supposed moral and intellectual superiors. You collaborate

Turns out Islam is worse in canon and in practice that Christianity ever was. Vast empirical evidence backs my statements up. Saying "oh boy oh gosh the Inquisition happened" in no way excuses nor should distract from the travesty that is Islamic aggression.

"An estimate of the number of people killed remains unknown. Based on the Muslim chronicles and demographic calculations, an estimate was done by K.S. Lal in his book Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India, who claimed that between 1000 CE and 1500 CE, the population of Hindus decreased by 80 million."… - Just about the same list, but broken up and then re added, you can get a total of 100-120 million for the Islamic conquest of the Indian subcontinent. Add that up with the rest of Islam's aggression and it's the deadliest ideology humanity has ever seen, worse than

Don't look to the Ketchup Jiggolo or Mocha Jesus for any sort of leadership; those two aren't fit to run a coffee shop let alone a nation.

Some are far worse than others. Blaming Jainism and lumping it in with the evils of Islam is a bit shallow.

Thanks again Muhammed. Your creed has really done the world a whole bunch of good....spit.

As far as warmongering and total bloodshed go I'd put Muhammed and his conquering armies way past whatever the West has done. The Mogul conquest of India was the bloodiest war in human history. Thanks again, Islam.


Tadge! Put Tadge Juechter in charge of the next sedan and he just might pull off an Accord beater, now that that car has become a microwave.

Put Tadge Juechter in charge of the next Chevy sedan. I might actually buy one then.

They could sell their cars on chassis feedback alone.

This car looks so much better in black than red. Ferrari needs to make this the car's default color.

All of the above. One thing I have found working on Audi's for years is they seem to not be able to figure out breather systems very well. Every model seems to have problems. This one did have a bad crankcase breather valve/oil separator that was replaced a while back. Plus this has almost 150000 miles on it. There

This looks to be beyond some seafoam and a set of plugs.

The 911 is awesome. It's probably the easiest platform to exit a tight corner while performing a perfectly controlled slide while looking like a hero with full opposite lock. In my 996 I can just push the wheel in the opposite direction, take my hands off, and the front wheels stop exactly where they need to to

Thank goodness for the cage and mandatory helmet and full body gear.